Airbus Industries A330-200-P&W "NWA"

for X-Plane 9.31+ and 8.60+

Price: 14.90 EURO

If you have no Euro or Dollar account Paypal will automatically convert your payment from your domestic currency to EURO.

This price includes free updates throughout all x-plane 9 versions for registered buyers.

Warranty and Disclaimer: The virtual aircraft models included in the download packages have been tested with the mentioned x-plane software version on Apple OS and they did work properly. They should also work under any other system which is supported by x-plane. But there is no guarantee given for any functionality at all. Download and usage of the packages are on your own risk.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, send me an e-mail with a brief description of your criticism. I will try to help, but without any obligation. The purchase price is not refundable, if not regulated otherwise by law. No warranty is given nor any guarantee that the package will run on your system or that it will meet your expectations. - Any possible claims for warranty may not exceed the purchase price.

If you click on the BUY NOW button, you can pay via PayPal. You will receive an e-mail with a download link after a while, if the money transaction has been conducted successfully.

Order A330-200 P&W "Northwest Airlines"

To pay click:

Or order the total A330 package at 70% discount, including 14 different aircraft and panels with 16 liveries.

Price: 59.90 EURO

To pay click:

If you prefer payment by bank transfer: My bank is located in Germany. Within the European Union transfer costs are carried out at national fees. A bank transfer from outside the European Union might be quite expensive. Please check with your bank first! It might be the better way to use Paypal.

  1. Here is the procedure:

    1. Send me an e-mail with your name and adress and the subject "ORDER A330-200 PW-NWA" or "ORDER A330 package" (or more aircraft)!
    2. You will receive a reply with my banking coordinates.
    3. You transfer the money from your bank account mentioning your name as sender.
    4. You will receive an e-mail with a download link after receipt of payment.