The working place of a C-5B captain. Take your seat and fly!
View of the panel
This new panel is significantly improved in detail and the the artwork, in particular concerning the OH-panel including the ati-icing systems. Austin has fulfilled my request for an ice-detection system, which is now installed. Instruments which are mounted in the C-5B as well as in the C-141 have now been assigned the same functionality. Both aircraft are now on the same level of qualtity.
The Engine Fire Extinguishers are operative now. Do not expect an engine to work again after using the fire extinguisher!
I regret, but the designated night panel had to be temporarily omitted for XP 8, since I am not happy with new XP technology in this aspect, which makes it unavoidable to manually doublicate and rename almost 1.400 files for the LIT instruments, apart from repainting them.
The panel is based on an artwork composed of several high quality real life photographs. Although a flight simulator panel is always a compromise between realism and unavoidable consessions to functionality, this panel is extremely close to the real thing.
A legend is available on the rear view and certainly in the POH. A table of speed limits, AOA and flap settings is visible on the right-rear-view.
RERP modernization.The actual XP limit of 300 objects per panel restricts the placement of additional items.